A (Super) Crash Course in Worldview and Culture (Part 2)

Date and Time

25 Sep • Fri 8pm

Parents, if you have been thinking about how to guide your child in connecting faith and life, inclu...

Parents, if you have been thinking about how to guide your child in connecting faith and life, including areas relating to media, technology and sexuality – this upcoming parenting workshop from Colson Center for Christian worldview is for you.

Join Carol Loi and her daughter, Nicole Soh over Zoom as they facilitate this 2-part workshop and discuss topics like:
Why (and How) Culture Matters?
Why (and How) Worldview Matters?
Grounding our Faith in the Bible.
Technology and Social Media.
What the Sexual Revolution Has Done to Us.

Participants will also be given videos to watch prior to the sessions to allow for more time for conversations during the sessions.

Carol Loi is a Colson Fellow, commissioned by the Colson Center to equip Christians to live out their faith with clarity, confidence, and courage in this cultural moment. Nicole Soh is currently pursuing her polytechnic studies, and is a John Maxwell Certified leadership coach as well as a family champion.

You may sign up for the workshop via the link below.

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