11 & 12 Mar 2023 Aries Zulkarnain
To have cravings, desires and aspirations is not wrong. What is important is the kind of food—natura...
To have cravings, desires and aspirations is not wrong. What is important is the kind of food—natural, mental, spiritual—that one consumes. In this thought-provoking message, Aries Zulkarnain likens the appetite one has for food to one’s spiritual appetite for God. Just as one can spoil one’s appetite by eating junk food, making nutritious food undesirable, one can also ruin one’s desire for God by feasting on carnal content. Pastor Aries urges the listener to desire for Jesus’ food, which is to do the will of Father God (John 4:34). He presents the way to do this in a “three-course meal”: self-denial, that is, living a lifestyle of making small sacrifices daily that will prepare you for big challenges; to do all things unto the Lord, that is to please God rather than to be popular; and to be faithful to the gospel, to keep preaching the Good News.
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