The Easy Yoke (Part 4)

1 & 2 Oct 2022 Kong Hee

There are seven wrong reasons to serve, and love is not one of them. Jesus Himself did not come to b...

There are seven wrong reasons to serve, and love is not one of them. Jesus Himself did not come to be served but to serve, and He calls us to take up His easy yoke and light burden. In the fourth part of this series, Kong Hee elaborates on the secret of serving, which is the love that comes from the Holy Spirit Who is promised to us by God. The Holy Spirit creates in us a new heart, and pours out God’s love into our hearts like a waterfall. This love creates in us a desire to serve, and as we serve Him, we enjoy His love more and more. Listen to this sermon and be encouraged: if you are tired of serving, don’t serve more, but love more.


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