Called Out into His Glory

22 & 23 Oct 2022 Lin Junxian

Ekklesia means “called out ones coming together”. Pastor Lin Junxian teaches a powerful lesson on wh...

Ekklesia means “called out ones coming together”. Pastor Lin Junxian teaches a powerful lesson on why coming to church and cell group is necessary, because the gathering of the saints ushers in the glory of the Lord. Jesus declared in Mt 16:18 that He would build His church, and He is still building it today. All through the Bible, believers are called to gather as a people for the glory of God: the Tabernacle (Exo 25:8-9) was a sanctuary for God to dwell with man: the children of Israel went wherever the presence of God went. The Temple of Jerusalem was built to fulfil God’s desire to live among the Israelites (1 Kings 6:11-14). In the New Testament, Jesus came and dwelt among men (John 1:1, 14), and now, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Christians are meant to be fitted together to form a holy temple (Eph 2:19-22). How can we experience the kind of revival like the Azusa Street Revival, where an encounter with God transformed so many lives? We must desire His glory, we must hunger for His presence and we must seek for His glory. When we gather each week, we become the Ekklesia, a place of hope for those who need Jesus.


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